Your future is better and there is promised seasons of God restoring what has been chewed up in our past experiences.
Don’t resign yourself to the bumps and bruises in the road on your journey as if it is your destination.
Just because you hit more than your share of pot holes and bumps does not mean you won’t hit smooth roads ahead. Don’t let your setbacks cause you to sit back!!!
Your future is better and there is promised seasons of God restoring what has been chewed up in our past experiences. Hope disarms us from living in the after shocks of yesterday.
Let us grab on to the hope God gives us and embrace it so that it propels us into a new season.
We can live fidgety in a bump mode mentality ready to flinch even when we don’t hit a bump or we can live like a steady eddy Christian that knows they are blessed and better things are coming their way!!!!