Welcome to Everyone’s Church home page. We are excited you are here! Everyone’s is a non-denominational church that welcomes everyone, no matter who you are. Please stop in and visit. You will be blessed to worship in God’s presence and encouraged by a fresh Word of God.
Here are the latest sermons:
2/16/25 “A Growing Faith” Elder Ursula Miller brings an anointed Word discussing our God-given faith, and how we’re to grow it, according to the Word of God!
2/9/25 “My Will is Under Surrender” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings and anointed Word about surrendering our will to the Lord as our provider, leader, lover, sustainer, and God!
2/2/25 – “A Well Tuned Machine” – Jerry Brookings brings an anointed Word about how the church is intentioned by God to be a well-tuned machine!
1/26/25 – “What Needs to Change in You”
1/19/25 – “Breaking Down Walls” – this has a corrupted audio file, so unfortunately we won’t be able to post it today. It is available on our facebook page, so please watch it here: https://www.facebook.com/everyoneschurchmvwa/
1/12/25 – “Increasing Eden in Your Life!”Our Pastor’s Pastor, Ted Hansen, brings an anointed Word about how God empowers everything that occurs in our life to be a blessing to others!
1/5/25 – “A Shiny New Year!” – Elder Jerry Brookings brings an anointed Word about God’s wonderful anointing and presence in the New Year!
12/29/24 – “Manifesting the Anointing” Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing how to allow God to manifest his anointing in and on our lives! Not an in an out, but an abiding manifestation!
12/22/24 – “A Living Savior” – Elder Jerry Brookings brings an anointed Word about who Jesus says he is to and for us – a Living Savior!
12/15/24 – “The Anointing of Brakes!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings the next sermon in his series, this time talking about the anointing of BRAKES in areas of our lives that we need to no longer continue in!
12/8/24 – “Stay in the Anointing!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brngs an anointed Word discussing how God beckons us to him and to STAY IN THE ANOINTING!
12/1/24 -Elder Jerry Brookings shares a Word praising the Lord for the Blessed Assurance we have in Him!
11/24/24 – “You Can’t Break My Spirit!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word about having a bulldog mentality in regard to our spirit and how we’re to choose strength, vigor, and victory through Christ our Lord.
11/17/24 – “Walking in the Will of God”
Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing the Lord’s call on all of our lives – to walk with a God-fueld optimized version of ourselves!
11/10/24 ‘”Learn to Laugh More!” – Pastor Brice beings an anointed Word about the joy and peace we have in Jesus – and how to relax, trust, smile, and LAUGH with empowerment from Gods promises and person.
10/27/24 – “Called to Reign in Life” – Pastor Ted Hansen brings an anointed Word about living in fullness and victory in this life through faith and connection with Jesus Christ.
10/20/24 – ” Starting with God in Prayer ” – Pastor Gachara from Kenya joins us for an anointed message about Prayer and trusting in God. When in doubt, doubt your doubt! Amen!
10/13/24 – “Slaying the Giants In Your Life!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse Brings an anointed Word about God’s will and power in our lives, that enables us to be motivated to slay the giants in our lives. Not choosing to walk with God for a season, but to CRUCIFY the giants of sin in our lives, so that we may live with God’s empowering presence.
10/6/24 – “I haven’t arrived, but I’m in the process of growth!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word describing our Christian walk – its a growth process. God does his good work in us, and our sanctification is on HIS time, not on ours. We trust him with ourselves, our walk, and everything in our lives – and we’ve got growing to do! He is the one who makes it grow!
9/29/24 – “Everyone Needs Forgiveness” – Pastor Brice brings an anointed message from God’s Word discussing how overwhelming our forgiveness is that snuffs out any and all sin – and that God gave his son to amend for it, at infinite cost, and therefore we need to take confidence in what he has done on behalf of us!
9/22/24 – “The Fruit of the Spirit” – Elder Jerry brings an anointed Word proclaiming the fruits of the spirit, and how as Christians, we are commissioned to REJOICE! in the glory and holiness that we are invited to partake in through our fellowship with the Most High!
9/15/24 – ” A Friend Thats Out of This World, But Lives Inside of My Heart! ” Pastor Brice Greathouse discusses the nature and person of Jesus, and his amazing nature, from master of the universe, to the unique challenges in your life that you might think only you know about!
9/8/24 – “I Am Too Smart For This” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word about letting God lead us in wisdom through the challenges and temptations of life – That we’re called to be mighty for God, not slaves to self and flesh.
9/1/24 – “Turning Timidity to Grit” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing God’s calling for us to embrace what God has given us to face the difficulties presented in life with gusto, Godfidence, and faith!
8/25/24 – Elder Jerry Brookings brings an anointed Word regarding stewarding our lips, thoughts, and our words. We are meant to glorify God and walk sanctified, and God made us more than conquerors, even in our words!
8/18/24 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing our power in Christ to slay the giants in our lives!
8/11/24 – Pastor Kris Baker brings an anointed Word about how as christians we’re to praise God continually, love others relentlessly, and be a person who others can go to for prayer, and answers about faith!
8/4/24 – Church Layman Ryan Lewis brings a powerful word about our commission as Christians to bring God-induced light into this world of darkness.
7/28/24 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word about running from the self-induced feeling of being GUILTY, and instead running to the Throne of Grace Boldly – in repentance to our Father! Grace is unmerited father, not because of what we have done, but because his sacrifice and grace is greater than our sin!
7/21/24 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word about living by the WORD, not by your feelings, instincts, or the world’s standards.
7/14/24 – Pastor Michael Hunter brings an anointed Word from 1 Samuel regarding obedience to God and his instructions to us!
7/7/24 – Pastor Ted Hanson brings an anointed Word discussing our PRESENT. How God lives in TODAY, touches us TODAY, and works miracles TODAY!
6/30/23 -Pastor Brice Greathouse brings a Word of encouragement about God’s will for our lives, to grow and expand continually in his Power!
6/23/24 Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an amazing word about LOVE, and how powerful our God is, as he abounds in it!
6/16/24 – Pastor Brice Greathouse gives a message about how God wants to elevate us into breaking the surface of Godliness, to one that is living on and flowing in the Spirit.
6/9/24 – Jerry Brookings graces the church with an anointed message about how we can walk a life in relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
6/2/24 – Pastor Kris Baker joins us for an anointed Word revealing God’s purpose for his sacrifice, and our lives – to be delivered into freedom and intimacy with the Father!
5/26/24 -Pastor Ted Hansen brings a wonderful Word discussing how we can know God’s (True) treasures!
5/19/24 – Pastor Tim McMahon brings a Word discussing God’s instructions to us regarding money, how to use it, and how to glorify God with it.
5/12/24 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an awesome word encouraging us to let God come into our flawed lives and work his wonderful grace – and that our imperfection is OK – progress is the process, and perfection is his goal through HIM!
5/5/24 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word about God’s will for our lives – to live with purpose, vigor, hope, and power!
4/28/24 -Pastor Brice Greathouse shares an anointed Word about how as Christians we’re meant to built up and encourage, and to keep close watch over our self control!
4/21/24 – Pastor Jerry Brookings brings a wonderful word of encouragement about how God commands us to “put him on” – equipping us for a life of service in the Lord Jesus Christ.
4/14/23 – Pastor Tim brings us an uplifting word in which he shows us through the Bible God’s will and actions towards us in regard to how he loves us.
4/7/24 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings and anointed Word about how God wants us walking through our issues stronger, and brighter. Not heavy, encumbered, and smelling like fire!
3/31/24 – This Resurrection Sunday Pastor Brice Greathouse rocks the church with an anointed message about the freedom we have in Christ due to his actions on the cross doing Easter
3/24/24 – Pastor Jerry Brookings brings an anointed Word celebrating Gods amazing grace, provision, and plans in his life – in particular, his very testimony!
3/17/24 – Pastor Ted Hansen brings us an anointed Word about the dual nature of our lives, and how we are to both sew bread to eat today, as well as sewing seeds for the future.
3/10/24 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing the Power of a Doer!
3/3/24 -Pastor Tim McMahon brings an anointed Word discussing Hell, Heaven, the Earth, at what the Bible says about them.
2/25/24 “Don’t Let Your Act of Godlessness Stop You From Your Next Move of Godliness!”
Pastor Brice Greathouse discusses how were destined to have GREAT GAIN in God, how to Flee Sin, and Pursue God and his righteousness. Did you blow it? WELL OK – Take an IMMEDIATE STEP in righteousness and move forward! The latter shall be greater than the former!
2/18/24 -“Breaking the Spirit of Potiphar’s Wife” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word regarding the Enemy’s attack on our emotions, motivations, dreams, and vision. God tells us that we need not fear, but only press into him – for his strength is perfected in our weakness, and that in God all things are possible!
2/11/24 – “Don’t Despise The Brokenness” Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed word discussing brokenness, and how God uses it to prepare us for breakthrough in areas of our lives! #brokenness #breakthrough #jesuschrist
2/4/24 – “Awaken Encounter!” Join us as we worship/study the word with the “Awaken Encounter” group – discussing waking up and preparing for the bridegroom.
1/28/24 – “I command my Soul!” Pastor Brice gives a wonderful word about Gods empowerment for us to command our souls into breakthrough and power in the Lord!
1/21/24 ”Being a Rock in the Devil’s Shoe!” Prophetess Ivy Jones brings a tremendously inspirational message regarding God’s unstoppable victory, grace, and power to bring life to dry bones.
1/14/24 ” Keys to Overcoming” Pastor Tim brings an anointed Word discussing Biblical keys to overcome in Christ!
12/31/23 -“Hitting a long stride from one victory to the next!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing God’s plan and intention for us to live boldly, with zeal, and living as more than conquerors though Christ Jesus.
12/24/23 – “From Good to GREAT!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing our Great God, and how he empowers us to be Great and reflect his awesome glory. Rise above the Good, and become the GREAT! #Jesus #everyoneschurch #christmas
12/17/23 – “Peace is a Battle” – Church Member Ryan Lewis gives a Word discussing the nature of our lives on Earth as Christians, and how God promises that we should and expect and prepare for the battle, but that ultimate Victory has already been won on the Cross by Jesus Christ.
12/10/23 – Pastor Kris Baker joins us from Canada, and brings with him a Christmas-themed message talking about Joseph, Jesus’ father, and explains why and how he is the unsung hero of Christmas.
12/3/23 – “Identity – Who we are in God’s eyes” – Pastor Tim McMahon brings an anointed word about Identity, who we really are (in God’s eyes), and the very foundational truths that the bible explains about who were as as God’s children.
11/26/23 – “The Pathway Out of the Valley of Fret” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed word about worry, fret, and anxiety, and how God calls us to be bold and courageous, rising above our circumstances with the power of God.
11/19/23 – “Your Name is Not MUD!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an empowering word discussing God’s call on our lives to persevere through character attacks, gossip, and other obstacles that were PROMISED to encounter as believers. Be blessed!
11/12/23 – “Starting Strong and Finishing Stronger” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing God’s purpose for our lives – to be empowered today, and to be increasingly empowered throughout the “race” of life, finishing strongest in the end!
11/5/23- Pastor Kris Baker joins us from Canada with an anointed Word discussing the historical, practical, and spiritual aspects of the Lord’s Supper, and how it is an integral practice of every born-again believer!
10/29/23 – Pastor Ted Hansen brings an inspired Word discussing how to be “Children of Light” with and for God in these anointed times!
10/22/23 – “Peace is a Relationship with Jesus” – Church layman Ryan Lewis brings a word examining the Biblical tenets regarding keys to how we are to pursue, with intent, a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. He examines God’s offer of relationship to us, keys to developing trust, learning to love God’s Word, practicing intentional prayer, and ultimately – devoted Obedience to the Lord.
10/15/23 – “Keep Your Faith Lifted High” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an impactful message on stewarding, maintaining, and bringing new life into your own faith – not just imparting it into others with encouragement and prayer. That God wants our faith to have us lifted above circumstances, that we may fly with wings like eagles.
10/8/23 – Pastor Tim McMahon brings an anointed Word discussing Biblical keys for letting the Holy Spirit lead our actions and thoughts, leading us to be non-offensive as well as non-offended.
10/1/23 – “A Clean Slate” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word about how Jesus came to give us a Clean Slate before God.
9/24/23 – “Running the Race with Perseverance!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed WORD about God’s intent and instructions for us to RUN THE RACE with Perseverance, while keeping our eyes on the prize! #jesus #everyoneschurch #Christiansermons
9/17/23 – “He Will Turn it Around!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word on the character of God, his promises, and his immense love for us, and how he promises to turn it around! #Jesus #turnaround #everyoneschurch
9/10/23 – “More Than Enough” Pastor Kris Baker joins us from Canada to bring an anointed Word on what Jesus says about providing for us (his children). In particular, how he often uses what little we have first, and then multiplies it into our lives. He provides a surplus with our deficit.
9/3/23 – “Peace is a Person” – Ryan Lewis brings a sermon discussing peace in this world – and how God tells us, his children, that real, lasting, and ultimate peace are found in a PERSON – JESUS CHRIST.
8/27/23 – “Dropping the Rock” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word about the nature of our Sinful flesh, and what Jesus says towards EACH of us towards our own sins, and towards one another’s! Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!
8/22/23 – “Discipleship” – Pastor Tim McMahon brings an anointed Word discussing the Biblical tenets of discipleship.
8/14/23 – “Killing Me Softly” – Pastor Brice Greathouse preaches an anointed Word about Samson – how he was extremely gifted, strong, and mighty – but he compromised with sin, caved, and was ultimately destroyed. Pastor explores these themes, and how we might avoid the “Delilahs” in our lives!
8/7/23 – “The Prison of Denial” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an amazing word discussing God’s heart towards our own, in particular with our battles of denial and being honest with our lives and our purposes here.
7/30/23 – ” God is doing a New Thing – Pastor Michael Hunter joins us and shares an anointed Word on Isaiah 43: 14-21. He discusses how God is never confused about our situation, but instead is always working on us, doing a new thing in our lives, propelling us to and through new levels and areas in our lives.
7/23/23 – “God’s Amazing Grace” – Church member Ryan Lewis gives a Word discussing God and his astounding grace towards us, as depicted through the parable of the Prodigal Son.
7/16/23 – “A Word-Walker, not a Wind-Watcher!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word about walking and living according to the Word of God, not our environment, not our emotions, and not our circumstances!
7/9/23 – ” Walking in Deliverance” – Pastor Kris Baker joins us to share an amazing Word about the act and stages of Deliverance!
6/25/23 – “Living in the Fullness of Grace” – Pastor Ted Hansen joins us and gives an empowered Word on the nature of Gods grace, and how we’re to walk in all of its fullness.
6/18/23 – “The River Wild In ME!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word challenging us to not quench the invaluable blessing of the Holy Spirit, but instead to welcome, bless, and encourage his river of presence and peace in your life~!
6/11/23 -“The World Will Know!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing how David, only a boy, was used by God to kill Goliath and bring success to Israel. Pastor describes the Lord’s heart towards us, towards taking out our Goliaths, and living in a victorious way towards God.
6/4/23 – “Fearful Hearts Made Strong!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an impactful and inspired Word discussing God’s promises towards us (his believers) regarding fear, our confidence, and our impact on earth!
5/28/23 – Church member Ryan Lewis brings a sermon about God’s Word, and the themes it covers regarding our nature as humans to covet sin and reject God, the dynamic plan God has implemented to remedy this curse, and what the Bible says “happens” to believers as God makes our sanctification complete!
5/21/23 – ” The Lord’s Prayer” – Pastor Tim McMahon brings a Word regarding the Lord’s Prayer and examines its promises and content for us believers.
5/14/23 – “Holding On To Conviction” – On Mother’s Day, Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word continuing the theme of Godly Deliverance. In particular, how Christians can and should expect battles when being delivered of sin and ungodly habits – and how we must HOLD ON TO CONVICTION for victory!
5/7/23 – “The Enemy Wants You To Settle For Plan B!” – Continuing a sermon series on Deliverance, Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed word discussing a Godly outlook and plan to eradicate sin in your life, and instead be filled with God’s Deliverance!
4/30/23 – ” When God leads you into the desert ” – Pastor Kris Baker brings an anointed Word discussing trials and facing the Devil with God’s power.
4/23/23 – “Deliverance II” – Pastor Ted Baker brings an anointed Word discussing our path for Deliverance through the Grace of God.
4/16/23 – “Deliverance” – Pastor Brice Greathouse shares an anointed Word on the Lord’s intent to deliver us from maladies by his Grace.
4/9/23 – “Roll the Stone Away” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed word on Resurrection Sunday!
4/2/23 – Pastor Tim McMahon brings an anointed word discussing being an “overcomer” in the Lord!
3/26/23 – Pastor Brice Greathouse discusses Spiritual gifts and how to use them appropriately for God’s kingdom.
3/19/23 – “Shutting down ANTI-Resurrection loose talking ” Pastor Brice Greathouse discusses the power of our tongue, and how as Christians, we need to have ressurection-power in it! No need for that talk that distracts, discourages, and curses, and instead gives resurrection life!
3/12/23 – “Rooting OUT Bitterness” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed word about our condition as humans to often harbor bitterness -bitterness often leads to anger, hate, resentment, and avoidance, destroying relationships and connections between people. God has given us a new nature. This new nature can root out bitterness by the power of the Holy Spirit, being empowered to love with grace, forgiveness, and gentleness.
3/5/23 – “Biblical Fasting: Blessing and Tool” – Ryan Lewis brings an anointed Word discussing Gods commands and promises regarding fasting.
2/26/23 – “Return To the Lord” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an authoritative Word discussing how to humble our hearts and RETURN to the LORD.
2/19/23 – “The Father of the Prodigal Son” – Pastor Nick Vanbuskirk brings a Word discussing the nature of his relationship with Father God.
2/12/23 – “Being Undiluted” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing keys to remaining undiluted in our our walk.
2/5/23 – “The First Sweethearts” – Pastor Kris Baker brings an anointed Word discussing some hilarious and insightful perspectives regarding marriage, and what the Bible teaches about it.
1/29/23 – “Guarding the Good Deposit!” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing how we are called to steward and guard the faith God has placed in us, and how to let His light shine!
1/22/23 – Pastor Tim McMahon brings an anointed Word discussing Psalms 23.
1/15/23 – Pastor Ted Hanson brings an anointed Word discussing his most important discovery in over 50 years of walking with the Lord : God is my friend. Not what He can do for you, but Who He Is. Not having faith that certain acts with occur, but having faith toward who God is.
1/9/23 -Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an insightful and anointed Word regarding God’s commandment to have self-control, and how it is the anchor of all of the other Fruits of the Spirit!
1/1/23-Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word about talking about evolving as christians – in action and thoughts, in order to become the best versions of “us”. “shedding” our old, tired mentality and actions, and instead armoring ourselves with what God calls us to.
12/18/22 – Pastor Kris baker joins us from Abbotsford, B.C., sharing an anointed and educational word on the Christmas story – and in particular, how the 3 “wise men” came from Persia to honor Jesus’ birth, and how their roots actually stem from Daniels influence on the Persian empire hundreds of years before.
12/11/22 – Pastor Michael Hunter from Spirit and Truth Worship Center blessed us with an insightful and anointed teaching regarding our walk with God, and how THIS is what empowers us to make right decisions!
12/4/22 Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing God’s intent for us to take hold of TODAY, through his power!
11/27/22 – Pastor Tim McMahon brings an anointed Word about the nature of confession, our mouths, and what God says about it in his Word!
11/20/22 – Pastor Nick Vanbuskirk brings an anointed Word about how God ultimately desires a servant’s heart within us!
11/13/22 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word about Jesus and his saving grace – and how beautiful and necessary it is for us to press into this grace daily.
11/6/22 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings a Holy-Ghost inspired Word on putting Lust in its proper place – behind us! Pastor Brice discusses what Lusts can be, how they’re addressed in the Word, and practical steps to living in freedom/obedience.
10/30/22 – Pastor Ted Hansen brings an anointed Word discussing the unique nature of the Lord – and how we’ve to first see him a our friend, and then, everything else!
10/23/22 – Ryan Lewis brings an anointed Word from God discussing Training in Godliness – and what God says about this requirement in his Word, how we can undertake this training, who our enemies are, and what promises we have in store!
Part 1 and Part 2 Below
10/16/22 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word from God discussing God’s Permanence – that only one thing in life will not crumble (Jesus Christ), and how as Christians we must continually RELY on GOD, not THINGS for our sustenance.
10/9/22 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed word entitled ” I chose Purpose” – in which he discusses keys to remaining and pursuing obedience to Christ – the evidence of our love for him.
10/2/22 – Guest Pastor Kris Baker joins us from B.C., and brings with him an anointed word discussing the Holy Spirit – and in particular, 4 ways in which Holy Spirit impacted and worked through the life of Jesus, and how this very promise applies to us, too!
9/25/22 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word encouraging us to gorge ourselves on the Word of God – not only is it helpful, but essential!
9/18/22 – Merci Njeri brings an anointed Word encouraging us as a nation and individuals to return to Godly Obedience – as his Word instructs us to do so in order to live abundant God-centered lives.
9/11/22 – Ryan Lewis brings an anointed Word on 9/11 – calling into question the state of Faith in America today, 21 years after the attack that left our country’s faith broken.
9/4/22- Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word on Paul’s (and our own) Damascus road experience!
8/28/22 – Pastor Brice Greathouse and guest Pastor Angela Salazar (joining us from Texas!) with an anointed Word on the Tangible Presence of God.
8/21/22 – Guest Pastor Mark Warkentin brings an anointed Word at Everyone’s Church.
8/14/22 – Pastor Nick Vanbuskirk brings an anointed Word on on walking with the Lord.
8/7/22 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed word entitled “Guarding Your Good Depost” – wherin Pastor Brice leads us through spiritual principles for being appreciate, hopeful, and chosen stewards of God’s deposit!
7/31/22 – Pastor Kris Baker brings an epic message entitled “Surviving a Shipwreck.”
7/17/22 – Pastor Tim McMahon brings an anointed Word at Everyone’s Church, discussing the biblical tenets that us, as Christians, learn to live as overcomers in Christ Jesus.
7/10/22 – Guest Pastor/Evangelist Philip Dawood brings an anointed Word that will Recharge your Walk with Christ!
7/3/22 – Pastor Brice brings an anointed Word about walking Deeper with Christ Jesus.
6/26/22 – Pastor Brice Brings as a powerful message about setting the Tone of your Christian life with God, every day!
6/19/22 – Father’s Day Message – Guest Pastor Kris Baker joins us with a special Father’s Day sermon.
6/12/22 – Guest Speaker Ted Hansen brings a powerful word about God’s anointing and appointing.
6/5/22 – Guest Speaker Bishop Steven Macharia from Kenya brings an Anointed Word from God.
5/29/22 – Linda Salateis an anointed Word and testimony discussing a supernatural deliverance from an accidence, how Jesus met and ministered to her during this time, and how God worked through her to impact, love, and bless others during her recovery.
5/22/22 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing how God empowers his people with BOLDNESS and not TIMIDITY in this life, and how to partner with and allow Holy Spirit to guide your life!
5/15/22 – No Recording
5/8/22 – “Reverse the Curse” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word on Mothers Day. He discusses how Christ Jesus acts to deliver us from wrong thinking, repetitive curses and mindsets, and instills instead a mind of righteousness by the power of God in you – receiving the righteousness of God!
5/1/22 – “The Frustration of Square-1” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing God’s plan for bringing us through the feelings of being back at square one, and how His plan for his Beloved (US) is one of victory, deliverance, and blessings.
4/18/22 -“First Fruits”-Pastor Kris Baker Guest Pastor Kris Baker join us from Canada and brings a powerful Word discussing the First Fruits this Easter!
4/11/22 “Do Do Message” – Pastor Brice brings an anointed word of love and hope regarding the freedom from our “dual nature” that we have in Christ Jesus.
4/9/22 – Announcement – Everyone’s Church can receive online donations!
March 27, 2022 ” Fighting the Good Fight” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word as a guest speaker at Spirit and Truth Worship Center in Kent, WA. He takes the stage at the 1:13 mark.
March 27, 2022 “Spiritual Satiation, NOT Emaciation” – Ryan Lewis brings an anointed Word discussing Biblical tenets for our growth – that as spiritual beings we require more than just food and water, but every word that proceeds out of the Word of God.
March 20, 2022 – “Angels” – Tim McMahon brings an anointed Word discussing angels, and other spiritual entities in the Bible.
March 13, 2022 – “Always Green in Christ” Pastor Brice Greathouse teaches an anointed Word about staying rooted in Christ, assuring that we always remain green!
March 6, 2022 -“Tag Team Teaching” – Pastor Brice Greathouse and Keith Nelson bring an anointed tag-team style teaching, talking about biblical tenets and insights for walking a more spirit filled life.
February 27, 2022 – “Keeping Your Mind Stayed on HIM” – Guest Pastor Ted Hanson brings an anointed Word on biblical truths of focusing on God at all times as an anchor, as our peace, and as our Savior.
February 20, 2022 – “Armed To Think Like Jesus” – Guest Pastor Pastor Michael Hunter joints us from Spirit and Truth Worship Center in Kent. Such a gift to this world, he brings an inspired message of walking with heavenly power in our earthly lives.
February 13, 2022 – Winning the Ultimate Game – Guest Pastor Kris Baker brings a powerful Word discussing God’s plan for us as a TEAM, and the tenets and instructions from God on how we win the Ultimate Game!
February 6, 2022 – Guest Pastor Dave Henzman brings an anointed Word discussing Joseph, and how his 13 year path of constant struggle was instrumental in God changing him into a truly matured man after God. Joseph’s God-fueled mindset was embracing your present and your future and totally let go of the past
January 30, 2022 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word discussing “The Anointed Press”
January 23, 2022 – Nick Vanbuskirk brings an anointed Word discussing “Spiritual Gifts”
January 16, 2022 – Ryan Lewis brings an anointed Word discussing the biblical tenets of “Growing Up in God”
January 9, 2022 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word entitled: “The Year of YES To JESUS”
January 2nd, 2022 – Tim McMahon brings an anointed Word discussing biblical tenets and God’s instructions regarding Renewing The Mind.
December 26, 2021 – No Service
December 19, 2021 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word about the liberating nature of Gods gift of repentance, wherein we admit our faults, receive grace, and move forward with new hope and a clean spirit.
December 12, 2021 – Guest speaker Pastor Kris Baker brings an anointed word discussing the Advent and the promises it brings.
December 5th, 2021 – Pastor Brice Greathouse and Perry bring a Word entitled: Tripple R – “Rebuild, Restore, Renew”
November 28th, 2021 – Merci Njeri brings an anointed Word entitled: “The Armor of god”
November 21th, 2021 – Pastor Brice Greathhouse brings a Word entitled: ” Fit For the King”
November 14th, 2021 – Tim McMahan brings a Word entitled: “Taking Our Promised Land.”
November 7th, 2021 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings a Word entitled: “Restoring the Years”
October 31st, 2021 – Pastor Ted Hanson brings an “All Saints Day” Sermon.
October 24th, 2021 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word entitled “Jacob’s Ladder”.
October 17th, 2021 – Nick Vanbuskirk brings an anointed word.
October 10th, 2021 – 10:00am – Ryan Lewis brings a Word entitled “Boasting (with joy!) in the Lord”
September 26, 2021 – 9:30am- Pastor Brice Greathouse brings the Word entitled: ” A Season of Increase”
September 19, 2021 – 11:15am – Sten and Linda Salatelis share: “Trusting the Lord through our trials”
September 19, 2021 – 9:30am – Sten and Linda Salatelis share ” Trusting the Lord through our trials”
September 12, 2021 – 11:15am – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings a word entitled: “Relationally Included – First Love Anointing”.
September 5th, 2021 -11:15AM Pastor Brice Greathouse brings a word entitled: “Offensive AND Defensive: Fleeing and Pursuing”
August 29th, 2021 – 11:15 AM – “His Coming Salvation” – Pastor Ted Hanson brings the Word.
August 29th, 2021 – 9:30 AM – “His Coming Salvation” – Pastor Ted Hanson brings the Word.
August 8, 2021 – 11:15 AM – “Grace Power, not Earning Power” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word.
August 8, 2021 – 9:30 AM – “Grace Power, not Earning Power” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed Word.
July 25, 2021 – 11:15 AM – “Intercession Word” by Arthur Mwanza
July 25, 2021 – 9:30 AM – “Intercession Word” by Arthur Mwanza
July 18, 2021. 9:30 AM – “Walking In Strength and Courage, not Fear” – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings the Word.
11:15am July 11, 20221 Pastor Brice Greathouse brings the word: “Abundant Life Or Just Existence?”
9:30am July 11, 20221 Pastor Brice Greathouse brings the word: “Abundant Life Or Just Existence?”
July 4, 2021 (9:30) Mercy Njeri brings the Word entitled “The Breaking Process”
June 27, 2021 (11:15) Tim Mcmahon describes God’s glory
Father’s Day – June 20, 2021 (11:15) – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings the word “Abba Father God”
June 13, 2021 (11:15) – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings the message “Monument Men & Women”
June 13, 2021 (9:30) – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings the message “Monument Men & Women”
June 6, 2021 (11:15) – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings a message entitled “Sabotage the Self-Sabotage”
June 6, 2021 (9:30) – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings a message entitled “Sabotage the Self-Sabotage”
May 30, 2021 (11:15am) – Pastor Ted Hanson brings an inspired word!
5/30/21 – (9:30am) – Pastor Ted Hanson brings an inspired word!
5/23/21-2nd Service-Perry Sandberg shares his testimony.
5/23/21-1st Service-“The Devil’s Trap” delivered by Keith Smith.
5/16/2021-1st Service-“What’s In My Wallet?” Ursula Miller shares her testimony, the conditions of the heart, and asks, what’s in her wallet?
5/16/2021-2nd Service -“What’s In My Wallet?” Ursula Miller shares her testimony, the conditions of the heart, and asks, what’s in her wallet?
5/9 11:15 – 4 Days Late, Isn’t It Great?! – Pastor Brice Greathouse explains the Lords (perfect) timing, and how he uses his timing to build patience, resilience, faith, and trust in his believers.
5/9 9:30 – 4 Days Late, Isn’t It Great?! – Pastor Brice Greathouse explains the Lords (perfect) timing, and how he uses his timing to build patience, resilience, faith, and trust in his believers.
5/2 – 11:15 – “The Power of Empathy” Pastor Brice Greathouse explores the idea of the Lords transcendent empathy, and how it the power of this empathy will supercharge our walk.
5/2 – 9:30 – “The Power of Empathy” Pastor Brice Greathouse explores the idea of the Lords transcendent empathy, and how it the power of this empathy will supercharge our walk.
4/25 – 11:15. Pastor Brice discusses God’s will for us to eliminate sin in our lives in order to retain our vision, stay empowered through God’s truth over us, and to remain clean and pure vessels from which God can make us his hands and feet in other’s lives.
4/25 – 9:30. Pastor Brice discusses God’s will for us to eliminate sin in our lives in order to retain our vision, stay empowered through God’s truth over us, and to remain clean and pure vessels from which God can make us his hands and feet in other’s lives.
4/18/21 – Tim McMahan speaking at the 11:15 service. He discusses what intercession is in the bible, and how it’s essential for our Christian walk.
4/18/21 – Tim McMahan speaking at the 9:30 service. He discusses what intercession is in the bible, and how it’s essential for our Christian walk.
4/11/21 – Ryan Lewis speaking at the 11:15 Service. The topic is Wisdom – What it is and Where to find it (in knowing, obeying, and walking with God as Lord of our lives)
4/11/21 – Ryan Lewis speaking at the 9:30 Service. The topic is Wisdom – What it is and Where to find it (in knowing, obeying, and walking with God as Lord of our lives).
4/4/21 (Easter) Pastor Brice Greathouse drives it home on the resurrection of Jesus and how to live the resurrected life in Christ.
3/28/21 Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an epic word – Being a Treasure Hunter, Not a Field Inspector!
3/21/21 Tim McMahon laying out foundational precepts for true repentance in the 2nd service.
3/21/21 – Pastor Brice Greathouse brings an anointed sermon at the 1st service.
3/14/21 – Nick VanBuskirk 2nd Service.
3/14/21 – Nick VanBuskirk 1st Service.
3/7/21-Mark Warkentin delivers the message at 2nd Service.
3/7/21-Pastor Brice Greathouse brings the Word at 1st Service.
2/28/21-Pastor Brice Greathouse brings the Word.
2/21/21-Pastor Ted Hanson brings the Word.
2/14/21-Merci Njeri brings the word.
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